Define a class Exam
with private attributes for questions and answers. Implement a method to quiz the user, recording their answers privately, and provide a method to grade the exam.
Example 1:
Input: Questions: ["What is 2+2?", "What is the capital of France?"], Answers: [4, "Paris"], User Answers: [4, "Paris"] Output: 100%
Example 2:
Input: Questions: ["What is 2+2?", "What is the capital of France?"], Answers: [4, "Paris"], User Answers: [5, "London"] Output: 0%
Maintain private attributes for questions, correct answers, and user answers. Implement methods to ask questions, store user responses, and then compare them with correct answers to grade the exam.
class Exam: def __init__(self, questions, answers): self._questions = questions self._answers = answers self._user_answers = [] def quiz(self, user_answers): self._user_answers = user_answers def grade(self): correct_answers = sum(1 for a, b in zip(self._answers, self._user_answers) if a == b) return (correct_answers / len(self._answers)) * 100 # Test the class questions = ["What is 2+2?", "What is the capital of France?"] answers = [4, "Paris"] exam = Exam(questions, answers) exam.quiz([4, "Paris"]) print(exam.grade()) # Output: 100.0 exam.quiz([5, "London"]) print(exam.grade()) # Output: 0.0
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